Brand strategy
Concept development
Loyalty campaigns
Media plan
Communication plan
Audiovisual production

A series of strategies were carried out with the different interest groups to strengthen the new vision of the brand and thus generate trust and credibility in its shareholders, government agencies and main specialized media.

4 countries, 2 continents, one dream: to capture the vision of the new mining group. The creation, construction and post-production overcame the barriers of language, location and time, thus succeeding in showing all interest groups what AMG represents.
Bearing in mind that the communication with the different interest groups must
be direct and transversal, we adapted the brand so that the targets had better
access and relationship with the brand.

A robust communication strategy was established to have a presence in strategic activities (press conferences, meetings with government entities and PDAC event in Canada) and media adapted to the sector and the countries where we are present.